African Heritage Land Ownership LLC was created for the sole purpose of helping Diasporans own land in Africa safely and efficiently.
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No, but it is highly recommended that you plan on you visiting the country you decide to purchase land in. Our Affiliate company POA Travel Group can assist you with touring the area where your land is located.
Once you have specified your requirements, African Heritage Land Ownership will begin searching on your behalf. Once we locate the property for you, We will notify you to send payment. Once payment is received the deal will be closed in 1-3 weeks.
Unlike some countries, land taxes are not a requirement in many African countries.
Plot sizes vary per country, however to give you a point of reference, you may consider the following:
In Ghana, a plot of land can start around 50ft x 80ft (4,000 sqf)
In Uganda an average plot of land can start at 50ft X 100ft (5,000 sqf)